A proposal for a new Transfer Bridge extrapolates the opportunities of Warsaw engaging public space, private investment, international identity, and reinforcement of its infrastructure. Having only six bridges along Warsaw’s river clustered around the city center, a need for local European identity, and an increase of Warsaw’s cultural and financial activity makes this proposal an attractive investment. The three images presented are a glimpse of the design process and intention of a project called London Transfer Bridge with its reterritorialization into Warsaw. It suggests a parametric approach to the design of structures embedded in the city. Based on studying the patterns of inhabiting urban infrastructures and public services such as metro stations and market places, the transfer bridge upgrades and merges both by adding programs 24 hours a day. From a plastic conception of time and space urban dynamics are explored and reconstitute the potential of architecture into the twenty-first century as a spatial-urban art form. The design agenda is thus not preconceived but engaged in the city.
Jorge Hernandez de la Garza