The GBHNPCB houses living, production spaces and a shop for Taller Croquis, a small design atelier in a central area of Cali. It is at the same time a garden with host and nectar plants that attracts local butterflies, effective bioindicators of the environmental quality and biodiversity of the ecosystem and particularly important in this region that has the highest diversity of butterflies in the world.
Through different actions (designing the building in collaboration with the local zoo as a biometer and at the same time as a new Caleño icon for Taller Croquis in front of its archipelago of world sales, or setting interior landscapes and furniture objects that connect the atelier daily experiences with glo-cal physical and imaginary realities of Cali) the GBHNPCB is planned as a multimedia device of symbiotic relations between the business and the city, acknowledging them as entities that are operating in different scales from the local to the global one.
Besides of the direct beneficial impact it has on its immediate surroundings, by planning advertisement campaigns and workshops with local entities, the project develops awareness strategies for the preservation of Cali´s biodiversity, promoting the creation of a social network of domestic gardens of native plants among the atelier clients and neighbours that would lead to the creation of green paths within the urban fabric.
Diego Barajas, Camilo García, Francisco Amaro